Prayertimes in Overton

Basingstoke and Deane District

Tue, 6. Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah 1445
13 May 2024

Further times
  • Night prayer

    (Last third of the night)

    00:27 - 02:21
  • Time to fast

    02:21 - 20:49
Timeline of today's prayer times

  1. Midnight

    The new day according to the solar calendar. Today, in sha Allah, the sun will set at -20.55° below the horizon. On some days this year, the sun will not descend more than -15.26°.
  2. Fajr

    Fasting begins with Fajr. However, as a precautionary measure, this method subtracts about 2 minutes from the calculated Fajr time for starting the fast. It's important to note that although this adjusted time allows for the commencement of fasting, it might be too early for performing the Fajr prayer.
  3. Shuruk (sunrise) with precautionary measures implemented

    The sun should now be just below the horizon, but if you are on a mountain peak, it may become visible earlier. To account for this, this schedule adds 2 minutes to the calculated time for sunrise as a precaution. It is considered risky not to complete the prayer before the end of this adjusted time.
  4. Shuruk (sunrise)

    Sunrise by calculation. In most cases, it would already be too late for the Fajr prayer.
  5. Dhuhr

    The Dhuhr prayer begins after the sun has passed its zenith (highest point) and started to decline. It ends with the beginning of the Asr prayer time (the afternoon prayer).
  6. Missing translation (en-GB) today.dhuhr.Ijtihad2022.Valid

    Missing translation (en-GB) today.dhuhr.Ijtihad2022.Valid
  7. Asr

    Asr begins when the shadow of an object is equal to its actual length plus the length of its shadow at the time of Dhuhr.
  8. Missing translation (en-GB) today.asr.Ijtihad2022.Valid

    Missing translation (en-GB) today.asr.Ijtihad2022.Valid
  9. Asr (Hanafi)

    Asr, according to one opinion in the Hanafi madhhab, begins when the shadow of an object becomes twice its actual length plus the length of its shadow during the Dhuhr prayer. It is noteworthy that this is just one opinion of the Hanafi madhhab. Not all Hanafis share this opinion. Countries like Turkey do not use this method.
  10. End of Asr

    The end of the Asr prayer occurs when the sunlight turns reddish and one can look directly at the sun with the naked eye. It is considered sinful to delay the prayer beyond this point. However, it remains obligatory to perform the Asr prayer until the time of the Maghrib prayer. In emergency situations, the prayer can still be performed after this time without it being considered a sin.
  11. Maghrib

    Sunset through calculation and thus the new day according to the Islamic calendar. In many cases, it would be too early to pray and too early to break the fast.
  12. Missing translation (en-GB) today.maghrib.Ijtihad2022.Valid

    Missing translation (en-GB) today.maghrib.Ijtihad2022.Valid
  13. Missing translation (en-GB) today.ishaa.Ijtihad2022.Valid

    Missing translation (en-GB) today.ishaa.Ijtihad2022.Valid
  14. Midnight

    The new day according to the solar calendar. Today, in sha Allah, the sun will set at -20.31° below the horizon. On some days this year, the sun will not descend lower than -15.26°.
Gebetszeiten2 months ago

al-Zarqālah (493 H) said: Fajr is at 18 degrees.

His name is Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm ibn Yaḥyā al-Naqqāsh al-Zarqālī (al-Zarqālah) al-Tujibi, and he passed away in the year 493 of the Hijrah, which corresponds to the year 1100. The instrument maker and astronomer from Andalusia. His astronomical instruments and works would continue to be used for another 400 years. The great astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus cited from his works...

Abu Hudhayfah
Gebetszeiten2 months ago

Al-Battānī (317H) said: "Fajr is at 18 degrees."

He is Muḥammad ibn Jābir al-Ḥarrānī al-Battānī (317h) and he was the greatest and most famous astronomer of the Islamic World. His works were significantly involved in the development of science and astronomy in the West. The great astronomers of history utilized his works, among them Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei. He recognized the use of trigonometry in astronomy and laid the milestones for the further development of astronomy...

Abu Hudhayfah
Gebetszeiten2 months ago

Al-Biruni (440h) said: "The Fajr is at 18 degrees".

His name is Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni. He died in the year 440 after the Hijrah (1050). He is a great scholar and astronomer. And he is called the father of modern geodesy. Out of his 146 books, he dedicated 95 to astronomy, mathematics, and geography...

Abu Hudhayfah